Making a Health Declaration when you travel internationally
As part of a new global initiative to keep the world moving and passengers travelling in the safest possible way, many governments around the world now require you to make a COVID-19 related Health Declaration before entering or leaving their country. If you have been instructed by your airline or travel operator to do so, please select the relevant country from the list below to get started.
How does it work
Health Declarations explained
A few days before you travel, your airline or travel operator will send you an email inviting you to submit a health declaration online via the website.
Some counties requirements, questions and timeframes to create a declaration may differ slightly so it is essential you make a declaration at the correct time. You may be asked to submit the declaration for the country you are entering and leaving, or even both. To get started simply select the relevant country from the list above and click 'Make New Declaration' or use the direct link in the email you received. is a global service owned by SITA and authorized by governments around the world to collect declarations on their behalf.